Horseback Advisory (Pty) Ltd

Trusted partnering. Lasting impact.

We enable our clients to face the future with confidence through our bespoke solutions.

Trusted partnering. Lasting impact.

We are Horseback Advisory, a consulting and advisory business whose purpose is to provide bespoke and professional solutions to our clients at an affordable cost and access to reliable professional advice and solutions.

We enable our clients to focus their energies and efforts on building their businesses while we bring solutions to their environments that require attention. Our philosophy, methodology and approach are centred around our clients' needs and challenges. We pride ourselves for providing relevant and practical solutions that make a meaningful difference to our clients' environments. Our clients experiences are guaranteed of experiencing our bespoke philosophy and approach that ensures they are at the centre of the solutions we offer. We ensure that our solutions are relevant, result in measurable impacts and are co-created with our clients.

We collaborate and work with a consolidated and trusted list of strategic partners who constitute a team of specialists who are selectively identified to enhance our value offering. This enables our clients to access differentiated and broad specialised services whilst experiencing our brand promise.

We help our clients on the following key focus areas:

  • Driving efficiency in our clients' environments; "How often is it that companies have this  great intention to arrest, improve or revamp known short-comings in their business, yet time, resources and often the skills are not always available to do so. This results in significant inefficiencies accumulating in the operations of the business, resulting in the negative impact on financial results and growth prospects for the said business. Staff spend time and effort in fixing existing challenges instead of working on helping the company achieve its strategic"
  • Providing solutions that drive the strategic direction for our clients; "Most often, companies spend time putting together well articulated and thought through strategic documents. However, getting the company's strategy to be fully aligned to the day to day operations of the length and breath of the business remains a consistent challenge. Our task is to enable companies to align strategy to daily functions and ensure organisational alignment to achieve. We redefine strategy to a living expression of the daily endeavours of staff and management through traceable and measurable activities and functions in the business"
  • Emphasising the client's growth and strategic opportunities; and
  • Providing technical support for specialist needs and transactions for our clients.

We bring you practical solutions suited to your environment.

Our approach is centred around the client. Its not about our expertise, its about you.

This is key in ensuring that our solutions are relevant and best suited to your challenges that you need resolved. Our business has designed a fully "client-centred" methodology. Our methodology ensures that a holistic approach to the "problem diagnosis" stage outlines the core aspects of the challenges that need to be addressed. Our method is depicted in this simplified image. We consistently pay attention to the balance of our expertise and the practicality of our recommendations. However, we always ensure that we do not leave our clients behind. Our solutions are designed to suit the needs of our clients. We apply our methodology consistently irrespective of which element of our value offering is applicable to the clients. In so doing, we ensure that there is a standard approach to helping our clients and that guarantees success all the time. Our strategic partners apply our approach and methodology and comply with our values.

Trusted partnership. Lasting impact.

Mbongeni Bhebhe (CA) SA

Managing Director

B.Bus.Sci (Finance & Accounting) - UCT B.Com (Hons) - University of Kwazulu-Natal CA (SA) - South African Institute of Chartered Accountants

Lindelihle Bhebhe

Operations & Creative Director

MTech Graphic Design (CPUT) PhD (Candidate) Graphic Design Candidate (UJ)

Mthoko Sidambe

Independent Non-Executive Director

MSci-Rural & Urban Planning (UZ)

Charles Matthews

Independent Non-Executive Director

B. Com (Accounting) Hons. B. Com (Accounting), MBL (Masters degree in Business Leadership)

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  • 17 Luderitz Street, Wendywood, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa